Luciana Gomez – Serving Coffee and Pastries to First Responders
Home / Latinos Making a Difference / Luciana Gomez – Serving Coffee and Pastries to First Responders
Home / Latinos Making a Difference / Luciana Gomez – Serving Coffee and Pastries to First Responders
As a small business owner, Luciana Gomez faced significant challenges after closing her coffee shop Café Victoria Dallas due to the COVID-19 shutdown.
Her priorities were clear: keep her staff of four employed and help the local community. “I did not want to put more people in the unemployment pool,” Gomez said. Her small shop, located across the street from the American Airlines Center, caught the eye of Shark Tank host and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban. They partnered to provide coffees and pastries for first responders at a nearby COVID-19 testing site and City Hall. Luciana continues to work with the local community to place large orders for health workers on the frontlines, which also allows her to keep her full team working. Share your stories of #LatinosMakingADifference at